Amaizng Subscribers

Amazing Subscribers allows you capture subscribers on any page. The Amazing thing is that you can notify the subscribers using the in built Newsletter Manager.

You have the ability to capture the name and email address of the subscriber, when a subscriber, subscribers an email is also sent to the administrator to notify the subscriber has signed up

In the Subscriber setting you are also able to specify the Audience Name, the senders email address.

Where to get it?

It is a commercial product avaliable on the Oqtane Market place, install the module directly from Oqtane via the module management module in the Admin dashboard

Rich Options

Specify the Audience Name, capture the Name and Email of the Subscriber, setup the Notitifcation Message which appears above the Subscription form, change the button label, specify the sender from which the email will be sent to the administrators and Subscribers

Send Notifications

Amazing Subscriber includes the ability to Manage Newsletters, you can write your newsletter directly in the Amazing Subscriber module and notify the subscribers

Amazing Subscriber

Version 1.0.0 Released

  • Created Amazing.Module.Subscriber oqtane module using Amazing Oqtane studio
  • Copied Index.razor to Subscribers.razor and renamed Edit.Razor to Index.razor
  • Modified the Index.razor to have the subscrition form with name, email and subscribe button grouped
  • Added a notification message on top of the subcription form

Amazing Subscriber

Version 1.0.1 Released

  • Modified Settings to have, enabled, notification message, suscribe button label, capture name and sender
  • Modified AddSubscriberAsync Method in ServerSubscriberService to send a notification to sender
  • Modified the Subscribers.razor and removed GUID column leaving only the name and email column

Amazing Subscriber

Version 1.0.2 Released

  • Created Newsletter entity using Amazing Oqtane Studio with Subject and Content properties
  • Renamed Amazing.Subscribers.Newsletters Index.razor to Newsletters.razor
  • Moved Newsletters.razor to Amazing.Module.Subscriber folder
  • Renamed the Amazing.Subscribers.Newsletters Edit.razor to EditNewsletter.razor
  • Moved EditNewsletter.razor to Amazing.Module.Subscriber folder
  • Deleted the Amazing.Subscribers.Newsletters folder

Amazing Subscriber

  • Modified Settings to have include AudienceName
  • Added Newsletter and Subscribers button to Index.razor
  • Modified Textarea in EditNewsletter.razor to be a Quill Editor
  • Added the Notify button to send EditNewsletter.razor
  • Added and implemented the NotifyAsync Method in ServerSubscriberService to send Newsleter to all Subscribers

Screen Shots

Amazing Subscriber in Action